Thursday, 29 March 2012

....eight, nine, ten, leben...eight!

Oskar is counting more and more now and has even attempted to count past ten!! A little more practice is needed here...of course, but it is very entertaining as he learns.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Fresh as a Daisy!

I bought a bunch of daisies from Aldi a week before I went on our trip to Adelaide, as I thought it would be nice to have some fresh flowers in the house for a week. 

Well, nearly 5 weeks later they are still alive and kicking and have just started to brown on the ends of some of the petals. $4 for 5 weeks of freshness! I even pulled them out of the water at one stage to check I hadn't bought plastic ones.

Nope... they are real, and 5 weeks on they are as fresh as a Daisy! I am astounded and it will be sad to see them go this week.

Dancing Tiger

Having a toddler does mean I am not hitting the dance floor as much as I used to or going out in general very much. I am actually finding it hard to remember when my last good boogie was! There was our wedding.... and what a night that was, but that was 5 months ago now! When you have kids though you learn to get used to spending more time at home. 

So, I think I've just found my new dance partner (sorry Cam) and our lounge room has now become the dance floor any night of the week. My moves are pretty tragic, however Oskar's moves something to behold. He makes me replay this clip over and over and I think he nearly has the routine down pat! 

Definitely one for the 21st Montage!

Friday, 16 March 2012

High Five!

Well this week of toilet training has ended pretty much the same way it started. A good day...a not so good day, a good day ........and just when you think he has it...a bad day.
Oskar is doing so well though and some days I pick him up from day care and there is no plastic bag with wet clothes in there for me! The teachers say he is doing really well and he is using the toilets all by himself and washing his hands after. What a Champ! 


I am so proud of him and he is adjusting very well....with number 1s!.....number 2's...not so good. He will get there though and I am sure next week will see even more progress. 
It is strange to be getting soooooo excited and cheering and high five-ing when Oskar goes to the toilet.

Wouldn't it be more fun if we kept that excitement going through our adult lives?! Seriously, can you imagine if your frieind or partner went to the bathroom and when they came out you gave them a high five and cheered for their great effort! Wooooo! Awesome!
I might start doing it to Cam and see if he likes it....he probably will.

Monday, 5 March 2012

How to Toilet Train a Tiger......

Firstly, this is a question not a statement....How the hell do you toilet train a tiger? coz at the moment Oskar has been one all week and this weekend was toilet training central in the jungle we call home. 

Crouching Tiger
(He seriously has not taken this tail off all week......... he even sleeps in it). 

He is 3 in May so we figured we better give it a solid go again and see how he goes. He has been showing signs every now and then that he may be ready , but when we removed the nappy and let the little tiger run free in the past, we ended up with pee everywhere!!! However, it has been a while since our last solid try  while it it still warm enough for him to get around in just underpants outside.

The reward- a snake every time he used the toilet and the promise of a special present at the end of the week. 

Day one- Saturday....not so good. 2 big accidents through the house, and just when I thought he was getting it, I saw that strained expression on his face as we were outside in the Oskar no wait!!!...too late mum......... off we waddled for a hose down.

What did I expect though, day one to be a breeze and oskar to control his bowels in one day after 3 years of just going when he felt like it!? common mum you are smarted than that. No, I was expecting some mess, but it's never fun having to clean it up.....and it appears I have started talking to myself in text!

Day Two however was amazing! He actually let us know before going, and had no accidents all day! and he did this with a house full of friends we had over over for morning tea. What a champ and what a difference a day makes hey! I think I need to put a poster up in our house to remind myself that anything can happen in a day. He was so excited too every time he went. We laughed and cheered and his face lit up when he used the toilet  yelling 'I did it I did it!'.......... so cute. 

Laughing Tiger

Which brings us to Day 3......not so good. Out came the mop and bucket again, which again reminds me that anything can happen in a day. But the day is not over and we will persevere and I will toilet train this tiger of mine.

PS. Thanks Em for the tiger tail idea. As you can see he loves it.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

One Fork at a Time.

Having a toddler certainly leaves little time for myself, but lately with Oskar nearly 3 and able to entertain himself happily, I have had the time and the drive to get creative again with my other 

I have been on an ebay frenzy trying to source the right pieces to start to liven up the house and get rid of the old cheap and nasty items we quickly bought second hand, were given, or just bought because it was cheap when we started off renting 9 years ago. It's time to start upgrading....probably again with many second hand pieces, but this time more in the style that both Cam and I love. 

I have such an eclectic taste though that it is hard to decide sometimes on what to look for. Cam and I both love Mid Century Modern design and are hanging for Mad Men to return...not long now!!!!, I love the elegance of artdeco, the intricate ornate details of certain antiques...not to mention the history, the raw simple design of industrial pieces and warehouse apartment style, the understated and calm elegance of Japanese design and the homely, warm charm of some rustic country styling. So the challenge will be trying to make all this work together.

We started by buying a new Scandinavian designed entertainment unit. It should arrive this week ...we can't wait!! 


Back to Ebay,  I bid on 3 bentwood chairs. I have always like this style of chair, but also  Jamie has them in his 30 Minute Meal kitchen in different colours and I think they look fabulous.....and I just love his dining area on that set, so i honestly just stole the idea. Thanks Jamie!edit...thanks Jamie's set designers. 

Spraying furniture is so much fun, as unlike reupholstering you get instant satisfaction and is soooo simple. When I reupholster chairs, I could work on something for weeks to finish it, but I bought the chairs on Saturday and they were sitting at the kitchen table that night. 

Here's how they came up. Don't be scared mum, but yes I sprayed one yellow. If the timber colour was nicer I would have kept one natural but it was an icky orange 80's brown, so all 3 got the spray job.

If anyone is wondering...when spraying timber a light colour like yellow, start with a flat base coat of white.

And this is what they look like at the dining table. I love the punchy yellow.

While I was in the mood for spraying I sprayed a browny orange coffee pot I found at a car boot sale and an unwanted cream typewriter mum found. 

And some forks and spoons as a bit if a test, also donated by mum. She is the queen of Op shopping in our family and finding a gem and a bargain to boot. Thanks mum.

So this past week has refuelled my decorating desire and I cant explain why stuff like this makes me so happy, but I just get so excited when I am working on things like this. If I had a choice of sitting and reading a book or spraying a teapot red.......the teapot would win hands down. Everyone needs a hobby outside the work and family routine I think or an outlet to refocus your energy by doing something you love, whether it be in to sport, writing, reading, cooking, painting, fishing, whatever!

I just know I am the zone to start transforming this house one fork at a time.