Thursday, 25 April 2013

Long Time, No Blog!

So, it has been a really really long time since my last post. We have been without a computer for a while and once back up and running a few weeks ago, I just couldn't rustle up the motivation to download all my pics to write an update.....however, its time and unlike my previous paper diaries I will not give up on this one!

I think it's best I start from today and quickly give a photo update of the last 2 months in the next few posts.

Many of you would have seen most of the pictures already, but remember this is my diary so I can remember these things in years to come so I can tell Oskar and Ivy all about it! Yes, my memory is terrible......... I must work on improving that.

This week's round up.....

The most perfect weather there was lots of blue sky.

 We finally sold our scooter, and the Ducati is in the shop getting ready to be next! Bye Derbi..its been fun!
Oskar dug for fossils
We went to the Mudgeeraba Street Fair and out to lunch at our new local.

 Had a visit from Ma and Pa

Ivy discovered it's 'the simple things' that keep her entertained!

Had a day in the garden transplanting Agaves, Frangapanis and some long spiky things!

 ...and discovered a new walkway for scootering in Mudgeeraba.

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