Wednesday, 22 August 2012

My Best Friend

Ok this may sound a bit naff and 'look how adorable my child is', but this is my diary so I don't care. I just want to remember these moments in years to come.

The other night putting Oskar to bed, I was getting frustrated and desperately trying to get him to lay down and go to sleep and stop telling me which cars were his favourite from the 'Cars' movie. He then stopped and said "'re beautiful ..You're my best friend" and gave me a hug and kiss. He then followed with ..."and daddy and Asha...they're my best friend too"

It's moments like these that makes anything I was frustrated about become completely inconsequential and turns a bad day into the very best .

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Weekend Mixed Bag

We have had a great weekend full of activity and beautiful weather! Here are a few highlights!

We started with Soccer on Saturday Morning. The kids have moved up a level, but we sent most of the classs chasing Oskar and Asha around....they have gone from being the eldest in the class to the youngest and were the worst behaved.  I had to send Oskar to time out twice! oh dear. I hope he improves next week.

Some chill out time was needed for us mums after that. so we took Asha and Oskar down to Burleigh for a scoot and play on the playground while we sat and had a relaxing coffee and catch up.

The kids are getting better and better on their scooters. 

 Then we had some fun in the garden and on the trampoline! I think a tomato salad is on the menu!


Sunday morning started at 4am ..for Cam definitely not for me. At 9.30am (a much more respectable time) Oskar and I went to the beach to pick him up after his100km bike ride and we stopped for a play in the park!      

Mum and Ladybug watching Oskar play.....completely natural and not posing for the camera at all!!! Well hey,  I wanted at least one photo of me pregnant where I wasn't posing in front of my bedroom wall!

....then went for boat ride with Captain Oskar at the helm!

We made some cookies!

...and ate some cookies!

Then made a native bouquet from our garden.......

......Which we took to Baby Sienna and her parents. Sienna is such a cutie and Mum is doing oh so well and looks amazing! It's a huge adjustment which no one or nothing can prepare you for.

Oskar was not on his best behaviour, and it made us think about how hard it is going to be juggling the needs of a newborn and a hyper 3 year old. Oh my.

I don't think having one baby can prepare you enough for the next one. There will certainly be a  huge adjustment for us coming very soon.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

I Can No longer See My Toes!

We will reach the 25 week mark this Saturday and Ladybug is growing nicely...from what I can tell. There has been plenty of kicking lately, pleasantly reminding me that she is in there somersaulting away enjoying the ride.

I have put on 6kgs now, mostly due to an over indulgence of chocolate and baked goods I think, and generally am feeling pretty good.

As expected, there have been a few irrational emotional days here and there, but I knew that was coming and Cam really tries his best to cheer me up when I start to feel down or go a bit loopy.  It still amazes me how your hormones can affect you so much. I'm an emotional person at the best of times, so I just feel for poor Cam come the 3rd trimester.... This part is easy!

Oskar is enjoying talking about his little sister I think and I try and talk about it everyday with him. Two of our friends have just had little girls, and Oskar says to me that I am going to have a baby like them. "It's not ready to come out yet!" he tells me....and when she does he apparently wants her to sleep in his bed.

This is how big she is now. I officially can no longer see my toes.I know they're down there somewhere!