Sunday, 23 September 2012

31 Weeks!

With 2 months to go now, Oskar has decided on a name for Ladybug. Cam and I are having trouble agreeing on a name, so we have been asking Oskar for his input. So, Oskar thinks we should name her Sharon.....Sharon!? Shazza!

Hmmmm..... I think the search continues. I am sure we will agree on a name soon enough.

In this final trimester I am feeling great, apart from being a bit tired from a busy week at work and a flight up to Cairns which was a bit of an epic journey home ....Yesterday I think it caught with me and all I wanted to do is lie down and nap.....which I did. 

Sharon Ladybug is growing well and kicking away all the time reminding me she will be here very soon.


I Almost Forgot!

On our lovely night off with Oskar at Nana and Pa's ...Cam and I got to go out to dinner for the first time since July. Now I don't take pics of  food very often simply because we rarely go out,  but I need to document it when we do, simply because I appreciate it sooooo much. It is such a treat now to go out to dinner and this night was no exception.

The restaurant is just at the end of our street and has a mouth watering Tapas menu and extensive wine list. Hence the name I guess..... 'The Wine Barrel'.

The food was amazing! Pork Belly and Soft Shell Crab for me and beautiful Rib Eye for Cam. To our surprise, there was a Harpist playing in the restaurant which made the experience just that little more special.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Working Through the List

Does everyone have a list like me. A list of all those things you would love to get around to do, but never seem to find the time to do them?

Last weekend Oskar went for a sleep over at Nana and Pa's and it has been a long time since I have had the chance to concentrate on my projects that have been patiently waiting for my attention.

Project One- Dining Chairs I have had 6 dining chairs sitting in the garage for over 2 date I have completed only one! They started off looking like this. ...........and I restored one to this.


One down....five to go. Thanks to a friend's Dad, I managed to escape the labour intensive task of sanding and stripping the remaining 5 chairs from literally hundreds of staples as I knew I just couldn't find the time to do it and didn't really want to be doing all that sanding of lacquer being pregnant. Not the best idea.

So a couple of clear coats and some fabric is now all they need from me. So I got to it finally!. Upholstery session still to come.

 Meanwhile Cam attacked a garage clean up and started a little project of his own. It gets product still to come!

Project Two-  I dont actually particularly like this unit, but I've had it for years and it was free and the budget is tight,  so I thought I would transform these drawers rather than buy some more for Ladybug's room. Sorry Oskar your toys will have to go into the toy box. now.

Project Three- A Teeny Tiny Table Revamped

Project Four- A Hat Rack- Repaired and sprayed from boring brown to Magenta.....for Ladybug's room.

Project 5- A Foot Stool given new life!

And don't worry Ladybug...everything was done with water based product and face masks and glasses so no nasty fumes were inhaled in the process.

I want to create a fun bright room for ladybug with punches of colours to welcome her into this colourful world.

I found this on Pintrest and started to collect paint swatches to do something similar on a much smaller scale. Stay tuned.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Hair Today ....Gone Tomorrow!

Yes, an overused play on words for today's post title!

I just had to document Oskar's latest hair cut as I just didn't realise how bad Oskar's hair it was until we had it cut last week. This is reminder for me to get his hair cut a bit more often from now on.

He instantly looks older and his eyes wider and brighter without all that hair in the way. What a difference a haircut makes! 

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Father's Day Weekend

Firstly Happy Father's day to my Darling Dad, Cam, Peter and all the other fathers out there!

I know Father's Day is a retail marketing scam, but it certainly makes you stop and think about how life has changed since becoming a parent. It is also a nice excuse to stop and reflect on what you have done over the last year as an educator, protector, disciplinarian, friend and loving dad to Oskar. Being a parent certainly changes your outlook on life and approach to nearly everything you do as you consider your child (or children) in your decisions everyday. It is tiring, and yes sometimes exhausting but boy is it rewarding. It also makes me appreciate all that your parents did for you, because until we had Oskar I never really understood the sacrifices parents make. 

We started our Father's Day weekend with a public holiday on Friday which was nice to actually enjoy a public holiday for once, as they normally fall on my usual Monday off. 

I did have a bit of work to do though, so Cam took Oskar down to Burleigh for a scooter ride while Cam skateboarded alongside him and they cruised the foreshore path together. I wish I could have seen it actually. 

We spent Saturday in the garden, planting some new plants and pruning while Oskar ran around in the sandpit, trampoline and scootered up and down the driveway as we continued to enjoy the perfect weekend weather. 

Sunday seemed to be a carbon copy of Saturday and again we headed outside to enjoy the sun. After all the work we did in the garden it was time to relax in it, and that's' just what we did after indulging in raspberry and maple syrup pancakes with sides of bacon! Oh my is there nothing better than crispy bacon!

Although it sounds like a relaxing weekend, it certainly had it's moments as Oskar just doesn't want to seem to listen to our instructions and wants to do the exact opposite of what we ask of him. I guess he is 3 and learning to test our boundaries, but boy does it get exhausting! The time-out room was used many times this weekend and it may be time to introduce something new. 

I don't think Oskar got the memo about being nice to Dad on Father's day!

After all the time outs and discipline though, when you finish the day with some relaxing bath time, cuddles and some very cute comments that just make you all warm and fuzzy, all is very quickly forgiven and forgotten.

Happy Father's Day should be proud of how you have helped raise a beautiful baby who is developing into a loving and thoughtful little boy.