Saturday, 14 September 2013

Dad rode the alps of France today...........

This time he didn't have to imagine it though.............

Cameron left last Saturday for his overseas adventure.... and while he is off riding his bike through the picturesque countryside of France, Mum has kindly come to stay with me to help with the house and little'ns...and relieving some of the stress that may have been. 

I didn't really want my final three weeks before starting work to be the most stressful of all and wouldn't really be the best way to return to work.....frazzled, emotional and tired. So....thank you mum for being here. We are both really enjoying the quality time with each other and I am probably the most relaxed I have ever been during my maternity  leave.... as the house is clean, the dishes are always done, the garden is looking the best it ever has and the little'ns are behaving themselves most of the time( are always an angel, so Oskar that note is for you), and going to bed at 6pm every night! However, Ivy is becoming a little more fussy with the nighttime routine now when she wakes she sits and stands up now and needs extra cuddles to soothe her back down......however usually by 7pm both mum and I can relax with a glass of wine and dinner. 

So while mum has been here some big events have taken place. 

Ivy started day care. She was perfect, I was emotional, however no tears this time as I knew Oskar was there if she did get upset. She has started for 2 days for now to get her used to it before I start work...........and on day 2 she had already caught a cold and has opened a snot factory. 

What felt like a new experience for me was being able to sit on the beach with a relaxing morning breakfast and coffee and I could even lie down and close my eyes  if I wanted to!!!!....I was even able to start and finish a conversation with out being interrupted or distracted. Amazing.

While Ivy was in care, I managed to get a few things ticked off my long list.....listed items on ebay, got through mountains of paperwork and filed, mum sewed me some cushions and finally made Ivy a blanket I meant to do a year ago, cleaned the house, started clearing the garage, went to the tip, gardened and actually read without interruptions! was only a magazine...... but it was reading all the same!!! These may seem mundane however I felt such a sense of acheivement at the end of the 2 days and just so much more relaxed knowing that these things that had been bugging me for so long were done!

Oskar started learning guitar....and when I say learning I mean pretending to play it to his favourite song in the whole world. He can't get enough of an instrumental version of  Coldplay's 'Paradise', done in a  'Lion King'- esque way with strings, piano and tribal chanting...He insists we listen to it on repeat in the TheWiggles!

And last but not least......Ivy has grown her 3rd tooth and has started crawling and pulling herself up to stand.