Thursday, 22 March 2012

Dancing Tiger

Having a toddler does mean I am not hitting the dance floor as much as I used to or going out in general very much. I am actually finding it hard to remember when my last good boogie was! There was our wedding.... and what a night that was, but that was 5 months ago now! When you have kids though you learn to get used to spending more time at home. 

So, I think I've just found my new dance partner (sorry Cam) and our lounge room has now become the dance floor any night of the week. My moves are pretty tragic, however Oskar's moves something to behold. He makes me replay this clip over and over and I think he nearly has the routine down pat! 

Definitely one for the 21st Montage!


c_for_court said...

i had no idea what he was doing then when he was falling backwards onto the ground! i didn't click until halfway through that he was doing the same routine as the lions on the teevee.

Do you think he's ready for zumba?

Adelaide Em said...

Cutie pie!

hey, love your new entertainment cabinet, where did you get that?!

also, what movie is Oskar watching, looks like one the girls will like.

miss you hon xx