Wednesday 20 June 2012

Oh yeah, by the way...... we're Pregnant!

So a friend reminded me the other day that I haven't actually publicly announced our pregnancy yet but have had enough time to talk about laying turf! You know who you are! So it made me think actually...why haven't I? 

I don't exactly know, but I do know it certainly is a different experience the second time around and I do need to make more of an effort to note those differences, otherwise I will no doubt forget about them in years to come.
We are now 17.5 weeks along and to be honest I haven't even looked at my 'What to Expect when Expecting' book once yet! This time last pregnancy I was checking in every week seeing how much the baby had grown and what developments and changes had taken place. It certainly is not due to me not caring as much about this little bubba growing inside me as much as Oskar, but I just think it is due to the fact that I know what is happening now and know what to expect when expecting. 

I did go see the movie the other week...does that count?

To be honest I dont actually feel pregnant at the moment now that the nausea and tiredness has passed. What I do notice is that I can't comfortably sit down in my skinny jeans with the top button done up and my boobs hurt when I run!...oh yeah and I have a dangerously sweet tooth,  when I used to be all about the savoury!
                                {14 weeks}
I am also certainly far more relaxed this time around knowing what is to come and how my body is changing and I think that is contributing to my.... 'oh yeah, by the way... we are pregnant' attitude. 

I am actually more excited about the prospect of Oskar getting a little brother or sister and how will react and adapt to the change. He tells me every night when I read to him .."Mummy you have a baby in your tummy....and will get bigger and bigger and bigger and then it come out!!" He also says he has a sister in his tummy. I think he will be a gentle and caring brother from what I have seen with his interaction with other babies. How long that will last though.....well, we will see. 

Another nice difference will be to share this experience of raising a baby with nearby friends, as I must say,  it was hard with no friends with babies last time. Em was my saviour last time and I cant stress enough how important it is to have friends to support you and understand what you are going through. To listen to what they did, how they coped, get advice or just have a shoulder to cry on who understands. Thanks Em. 

Mothers group was also so very helpful and I recommend it to all new mums,  but it was hard to be as open with them at the start. It certainly reassures you that you are not alone adjusting to motherhood and really helped me through the hard times and very simply got me out of the house...which was sometimes hard to motivate myself to do! I also met some gorgeous people and babies and both Oskar and I have developed a really nice friendship out of it. 
So I will try to keep a journal on this pregnancy as my attitude and feelings may very well change, and it may be very boring for all you readers out there,  so feel free just to look at the pictures.  

Now I'm off to eat a doughnut....because sometimes you should just give in to temptation and feel good about it!

1 comment:

c_for_court said...

i was really hoping for another post about turf. i guess this will just have to do.

also, this is your blog, so write about whatever you want, don't worry about whether it's boring for us to read... write away! both the good and the bad.

now i feel like a donut... x