Friday 23 November 2012

Nuna nuna nuna nuna...Batman!

So just as we were hoping, Ladybug held on so Oskar could attend his first birthday party last weekend with his mates from daycare! It was superhero themed and Oskar wanted to go as Batman!

So we got crafty on a rainy Saturday and made a special mask to go with his 'Supercake'....which is what Oskar calls his cape!

Oskar was scared of the face painter, so was the only child without face paint. I must admit she frightened me too. All week though he has now been asking for his face to be painted.

So with the party out of the way and my to do list complete ..I am not sure what she is is waiting for now!

Come on Ladybug....come and join the party!

Saturday 17 November 2012

Look Away Now Mum!

Seriously mum...if you really want some surprise when you get here..... do not read on or look any further.

I have finally finished the nursery!....well nearly.

I certainly feel like I have left work mode behind now and am feeling much more relaxed now for ladybug to arrive.

This is what I have been having fun with for the last 2 weeks.

It began with this........not so much fun...

Then started to feel like I was getting somewhere......

and now it's my favourite room in the house which I just love to sit in....and ponder. 

I think I need to steal some more swatches to finish the rainbow wall , sew some cushions, cover a foot stool and then we are done.....all that is missing is our little ladybug!

I felt bad that I had put so much time in to this room while Oskar's room had been neglected for so long, so I decided to redo is room while I was at it. I forgot to take a before shot, but it certainly looks a whole lot better. I also thought it would help any jealousy that may arise with him getting some makeover attention too! He was sooo excited when he saw it and dragged Cam into the room as soon as he got home too to show off his new room, so I think it worked. 

For Oskar's room I got out my trusty green machine....

and firstly updated his bed canopy from this....

to this...

..and with a few extra moves and updates, it now feels less like a baby's room and Oskar loves it, which is the main thing.  

Sunday 11 November 2012

38 Weeks & Sick of Stripes!

Let me just clarify that's certainly not me that is sick of stripes ( i can't get enough), but I have a sneaky suspicion that if Cam never sees this skirt again will be too soon! OK, so I have worn it a lot over the last 8 months I admit, but being fashion conscious hasn't really been on the top of my list lately .....or ever really.

Anyway, it's countdown time now and we have 2-3 weeks before our ladybug will join is in our stripey world. A fellow stripe lover even bought ladybug her own white and black striped jumpsuit to wear when she arrives!!! Thank you C! Cam loves it. Ha!

So 38 weeks hey...... I am feeling good, apart from my puffy feet and sore back at the end of the day, but walking around the shops yesterday I had to slow right down as a lot of tightness and downward pressure had me wondering if she was gong to come this weekend. False alarm.

So business as usual, we took Oskar for a haircut and made some scones for Nana and Pa who came to visit.

Oh and I just have to mention the biggest Special K flake that appeared in my bowl this morning! Yes, I am easily impressed.

......and I got a lot further with the nursery and feeling much more is a sneak peak. Mum if you want a surprise when you get here...look away now.

Friday 9 November 2012

Still Working Through the List

I have finally started maternity leave with 3 weeks til my due date and the first week has zoomed by so quickly...too quickly! I thought I would have achieved a bit more, but am not going to fret about it. If I don't get through the's ok....however I'd really like to.

This has been my mission this week. To turn a cluttered, dumping ground of an office space into a clean and calm nursery for ladybug.

I managed to get some painting done and clear the clutter,  and now I think I am ready to start arranging the furniture and decorating. Now the fun begins!....just hold on a little longer ladybug as I finally feel like I am winding down from work mode and really enjoying this time with just the two of us....... Me decorating while you kick me in the ribs.

                                                                    Getting this space.